Friday, May 13, 2016

Uganda's Opposition Leader Inaugurated in Mock Ceremony

A video posted on YouTube has shown Forum for Democratic Change leader Kizza Besigye on a podium taking oath of office with a banner proclaiming him as the elected president of the people's government of Uganda in the background.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Music Legend Papa Wemba Laid to Rest

Thousands of fans paid tribute to the King of Rhumba at a requiem mass before he was finally laid to rest in Kinshasa.
 May your soul rest in peace.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mugabe's Teacher - Said to Be 120 Years Old - Dies in Zimbabwe

President Mugabe's former teacher, Sekuru Oscar Munyoro Katsukunya (120) has died. Katsukunya, who could have been one of the world's oldest people, died in his sleep this morning, at his son Emmanuel's house in Chitungwiza.
In an interview, Emmanuel Munyoro Katsukunya said he suspected his father to have died of old age.
"He died today around 5 o'clock in the morning. He was bed ridden for the past year and we believe his death is due to old age.
"He complained headaches or pain in his legs but because of his advanced age we believe he has finally taken his place with God. He has rested."
Sekuru Katsukunya, whose exact age was a topic for debate when his story broke into the news, taught President Mugabe and his late cousin, nationalist James Chikerema Sub A at Kutama.