Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Finding a way to survive in Zimbabwe

Tsikira is HIV positive and she lives in Gwanda, a district in southern Zimbabwe. she is finding it difficult to come up with a plan to survive. Like many other areas of the country, people here are facing one of the worst periods of food insecurity in years.
People in Gwanda are among those most in need. Matebeleland South province, where Gwanda sits, has the highest prevalence of HIV in the country, at 21 per cent. One in five adults 15-49 is HIV positive. Gwanda itself has an HIV rate of 15 per cent.
 Taking the medication on an empty stomach results in nausea, so she  often stop taking it because it makes her feels so sick.
Like many Zimbabweans currently affected by food insecurity, Tsikira is beginning to reduce her meals to one per day. she eats twice a day or once a day. she  stops taking my medication when she runs out of food and it is happening more lately. On the medication, if she hasn't eaten, she becomes dizzy, weak and she feels sick.
From her home in rural Gwanda, Tsikira runs a small business selling clothes. She says she makes approximately 10 US dollars a week, on average, which is enough to support her, her daughter and grandchild.
But due to rising food prices and drought, business is slowing. She says she is lucky to sell something once every two weeks. her business will not be viable at the moment. No one has money for clothes. she is really worried about this coming period
Tsikira knows the impact a lack of food and money has on her health. "I am concerned about my health as I stop taking the medication. I become open to opportunistic infections, and I have no money to get them treated or to even get to the clinic. Once, a few years ago, I went to the clinic when I was sick because I didn't have enough food. But looking back, the situation now is much worse."
Law says Tsikira's situation is common for people living with HIV in food insecure regions. "It's a dangerous and downhill slope. People living with HIV/AIDS rapidly become sicker and vulnerable to other conditions. As Tsikira says, they will stop going to the doctor as they can't afford it. Food is the priority for whatever little income they have."
The IFRC and the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society have launched an emergency appeal to support 10,500 of the most vulnerable people in Gwanda with immediate food assistance. The operation will target people like Tsikira living with HIV/AIDS, pregnant women, child-headed houses and the unemployed. The response will be implemented over seven months and will also support people with longer term activities, such as learning improved farming techniques, so they can better prepare and adapt to future disasters.

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