Monday, February 3, 2014

mandela's will made public

R64 million was the estimated provisional value of Mandela's assets.  In his will Mandela acknowledged his former PA Zedla le Grande, his personal chief Xoliswa Ndoyiya among other employees.  He left them with R50,000 each.  Others are the His personal staff, political home and various institutions of learning - all were remembered in the will of South Africa's anti-apartheid icon, former President Nelson Mandela.
Ndoyiya said she was happy and emotional because she had not expected anyone to do this for her.
"I got the shock of my life that he remembered me. I took him as my father than an employer and this shocked me because it shows that he also took me like his own child and for that I will be eternally greatful," Ndoyiya told SAnews.
The executors of Madiba's estate revealed the contents of this final will and testament, and the management of his estate - to his family at the the Nelson Mandela Foundation's offices in Houghton, Johannesburg, before informing the public shortly after.
Justice Dikgang Moseneke, who first met Madiba on Robben Island in 1963 where they were both imprisoned, Madiba's long-time friend advocate George Bizos and Eastern Cape Judge President Themba Sangoni, who worked on Madiba's legal matters - were named as executors of the will. Schools and institutions which Mandela attendedincluding the University of Fort Hare, Wits University, Qunu Secondary School and Orlando West High School.  bequeathed sums of R 100 000
In the will, Mandela stipulated that these institutions and schools should use the money towards bursaries. Mandela bequeathed R1.5 million to the Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Family Trust. A minimum of 10% and maximum of 30% of the royalties of the trust will go to the African National Congress. According to the will, the ANC should use the royalties at the discretion of the ANC executive to spread principles and policies of the party dating back to its formation.
ANC Treasurer General Zweli Mkhize welcomed the will, saying it shows Madiba's dedication to the movement tasked with the betterment of the lives of the people in the country.

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