Saturday, March 15, 2014

Airline crew members robbed at gun point

Unknown assailants on Wednesday morning attacked and robbed at gunpoint members of the crew of a Mozambique Airlines LAM plane as they were on their way to Maputo International Airport to begin their day's work.  The robbery occurred at about 5.30 at a set of traffic lights on the road from from the centre of the city to the airport.  The Nissan Urvan in which the LAM crew members were travelling stopped at a red light and was then attached by six armed with pistols.  Two of them immobilized the driver and took the keys from the ignition.  The rest of the gangs took all the bags of the crew members out of the boot of the vehicle.  This is the second such incident involving airline.  Pilots so far this year on 15 January an attach was reported against 2 pilots of the Portuguese airline TAP.  They were travelling in a tax which was stopped by five armed men using pick up.  One of the gang entered the tax and forced the driver to drive to a more remote area of the city.  The thieves then obliged the 2 pilots to hand over all the money in their wallet.  No one has yet been arrested in connection with these thefts.

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