Monday, May 1, 2017

South Africa: Teen Bitten By Shark At Plettenberg Bay

A 14-year-old boy sustained minor injuries after a shark bit his leg at Plettenberg Bay on Saturday afternoon, emergency services said.
The boy is believed to have been bitten by a white shark while surfing at popular surf spot Keurbooms, National Sea Rescue Institute spokesperson Craig Lambinon said in a statement.
The boy turned to catch a wave when he saw a fin approaching him when he felt a bump on his right calf where he was bitten, Lambinon said.
The boy was taken to a nearby hospital where he received sutures. He will be kept in hospital overnight as a normal precaution.
Craig said investigations are currently underway to determine the species and size of the shark.
Initial indications lean towards the bite being made by a White Shark of approximately two metres length.
News24 on Friday reported that a large amount of white sharks was spotted in the Plettenberg Bay area.
At the time, the NSRI asked the public to avoid swimming or other water related activities in areas where birds, dolphins or seals were feeding, where fishing was taking place, or where a whale was stranded.
White sharks are also colloquially known as Great White sharks.
Source: News24

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