Friday, January 3, 2014

Jumbo killings in Tanzania

On Sunday, the government of Tanzania announced that at least 60 elephants were killed in less than two months, at the same time a resident of Dar es Salaam, Ali Juma was arrested by Tazara Commanding Police Force after being found illegal possessing illegally 14 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 29 kilogrammes  valued US Dollar 15,950 (25,520,000/-).     In the same bag with the ivory, the suspect had hidden a 900 gram hippopotamus tooth.
He was arrested on Friday after he boarded the Tazara train at Kisaki Station heading for Dar es Salaam. The suspect was arrested when the intelligence personnel were tipped off by a law abiding citizen as the suspect boarded the Tazara train with two bags.
While police  arresting the suspect for ferrying ivory, police officers seized two bags with 19 kilogrammes of marijuana abandoned by an unknown passenger on the train.
It is estimated that the population of elephants on the continent is estimated to be between 420,000 to 650,000 living in three countries  Botswana, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. 

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