Monday, January 20, 2014

Widows in Tanzania Struggle With Property Grabbing By Relatives

Widows in Tanzania struggle with property grabbing by relatives, one of them is Elizabeth Paul (42) resident of majengo in Dodoma regionremembers the suffering she went through when her father-in- law kicked her out of her matrimonial home after her husband's death two years ago.
She was so helpless and couldn't resist and the anguish of losing her husband was so overwhelming, she recalled.
Elizabeth had been married for over a decade and said her father in-law accused her of being responsible for the death of his son.
"He was very angry with me. He did not even talk about the future of my children," she said.
Paul said her brothers-in-law had been embroiled in a family feud as they jostled to grab properties that had belonged to her deceased husband, including a farm, livestock and a house.
Paul, who has since moved to Dar es Salaam, received some hope last year after a friend advised her to take legal action with the help from Women Wake Up, a Tanzania-based nonprofit organisation.
"I am very poor. I cannot meet legal costs. I hope they will help me recover some of my assets," she said.
Among its projects, Women Wake Up strives to help women, particularly widows, understand property ownership rights.Its  aim is to help people find justice. It targets women and children because they are most vulnerable said Burton Mwidowe, a trainer at the organisation.

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