Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tanzania: One Month Gone, One More to Go in Ugly Campaigns Full of Speculation

As the election campaigns in Tanzania clock three weeks, there are signs that the tone of some of the campaigners is steadily becoming uglier with accusations and counter-accusations of foul play dominating the headlines.
The two main contenders, CCM's John Magufuli and Chadema's Edward Lowassa, have avoided trading mudslinging barbs but their lieutenants have demonstrated no such restraint.
Even outgoing President Jakaya Kikwete, the CCM chairman, has not stayed above the fray, allowing himself to be drawn into a verbal tussle with Chadema's chief legal counsel Tundu Lissu over who was responsible for the so-called Richmond scandal.
Whereas the head of state had hinted at a public meeting that it was Lowassa who was responsible, Lissu insisted it was the president who was implicated.
An article published in an American newspaper and purportedly authored by CCM secretary-general Abdulrahman Kinana criticised Lowassa over a statement the latter is alleged to have made to the effect that he would, if elected, free Muslim clerics imprisoned in Zanzibar for terrorism. He implied that Lowassa supports terrorism.
Then claims emerged that an opposition party was training youths in a neighbouring country to deploy them to disrupt the October 25 election. There has been no substantiation of these claims and, apart from the authorities saying they would investigate, little has come out of the statements. What has happened for sure is that a couple of people have died in campaign-related violence.
Fearing escalation in violence as polling day draws closer, several institutions, including religious and civil society organisations, have called for moderation in the speeches made at campaign rallies and restraint in the tone of messages carried on social media. However, the recently enacted social media law, ostensibly designed to curb cyber crime, is yet to be put into action.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Zimbabwe: Mugabe Ranked 5th Worst African Leader but the Most Educated

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has been judged the most educated African leader by a popular African website which however places him an ignominious third among the continent's worst leaders.
According to the latest rankings published by AnswersAfrica.com, which focuses on African affairs, Zimbabwe's founding leader outshines his younger peers with seven degrees to his name.
Among Mugabe's academic credentials are degrees in economics and law obtained with South African and London universities.
The veteran President, who leads Africa's most literate nation, also holds 14 honorary degrees from both local and international universities.

Zimbabwe: Ex-Bodyguard - Mugabe Worse Than Ian Smith

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was worse than colonial ruler Ian Smith, one of Mugabe's former bodyguards said on Monday.
"He is now worse than the Smith regime and he is against his people," South African-born Chinoto Zulu said in Harare.
He was speaking at an event commemorating the United Nations (UN) International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Zulu is a former army chief and worked as Mugabe's personal bodyguard for several years after independence before retiring.
He blamed the government for the disappearance of human rights activist Itai Dzamara.
"We know very well the State is behind Dzamara disappearance. This is an evil regime, as I speak, I also have been put under surveillance by Mugabe spy agents. They have also grabbed all my property I acquired during my time in government," said Zulu, who is also veteran of Zimbabwe's liberation struggle.

Tanzania: Slaa Slams Chadema on Lowassa

Chadema has lost credibility and public trust for accepting former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa who has incessantly been implicated in various corrupt practices, the opposition party's former Secretary General, Dr Willibrod Slaa, charged in Dar es Salaam.
Addressing reporters after weeks of "going underground" , Dr Slaa alleged that the party for which he had spent a number of years to build has turned into a hideout for corrupt leaders and rejects from CCM.
The former priest and opposition politics doyen claimed that he had personally and several colleagues sacrificed for CHADEMA even by suffering physical attacks and having their blood spilled in "our crusade to denounce corruption and state misconduct".
Dr Slaa added that surprisingly, the very party that he had sacrificed a lot to build has made a U-turn and is now 'cleansing an ill-mannered heavyweight' and declaring him its Union presidential candidate.
In a nearly 120-minute televised speech, the former clergyman pointed out that he was not ready to be part of the race, which has drown members from the bloc they have vehemently been accusing of corruption.
One of the things, which positioned the party and earned it credibility, according to Dr Slaa, was being in the frontline to fight against dishonesty and unethical behaviour in public offices.
"By accepting Lowassa, who was included in our list of shame, it is apparent that we can't walk the talk... we are now even worse than our competitor," he said, adding that he was not ready to be part of the dirty deal.
Dr Slaa, who also announced to have withdrawn his membership with the party, uncovered the secret behind his 'disappearance' that had left behind a lot of speculation, revealing that he disagreed to agree with top CHADEMA leaders on Lowassa.
He told his audience that before allowing the former premier to join the party, under his capacity as SG, he wanted Mr Lowassa to among others, announce publicly that he is defecting from CCM and also cleanse himself before the public. "I wanted him to publicly announce that he has ditched CCM.
I also directed that before accepting him, he was supposed to come out and clean himself from corruption allegations levelled against him," Dr Slaa stated, adding that to his surprise 'his directives were not heeded to'.
He alleged that when Mr Lowassa was planning to join the party, he had promised that there were about 50 MPs, 22 regional chairpersons and 88 district chairpersons who were set to cross over with him.
"I told my fellow party leaders... you know I am always sincere; before welcoming him we have to see if he is an asset or a liability," the former Karatu MP noted, adding that he also wanted Mr Lowassa to name all CCM cadres who would have defected with him.
According to him, he never received list of prominent CCM cadres who would have defected to Chadema with Lowassa. Dr Slaa went on saying that after learning that his party had started to go off the track, he decided to leave, adding that he was not ready to see what he stood up for being changed for individual interests.
He cautioned the public to be able to distinguish between matters of national interests and those falling under individual interest.
"National interest must be measured by objective criteria and not just by empty words... these people are indoctrinating propaganda only to sway the public, they are kind of leaders that if given power will only drive this country to a wrong destination," he expounded.
Dr Slaa said that to people who are prejudiced would think that he was out to attack CHADEMA, but the fact was that 'truth is only one and indivisible.'
He also termed as malicious, misleading and cheap politics, remarks made by the party's National Chairman, Mr Freeman Mbowe, to the effect that he was on short leave and would later join the party.
"I stood firm from the first minute, when they fail to agree with me, I quit... being two-faced is very dangerous, electing such people is even more dangerous," he pointed out, asking voters to be extra careful when electing their leaders.
Dr Slaa also poked fun at clerics who have reportedly been bribed to support Mr Lowassa in his aspiration to become Union president, saying it was high time they knelt down and pray.
He strongly condemned what he alleged as "frequent remarks by CHADEMA that they were even ready to team up with Satan to drive out CCM, insisting that the ruling party cannot be overpowered without a serious programme and a serious people.
The former CHADEMA leader told the gathering that he had resigned from his post as SG since "the very first day we disagreed in the Central Committee meeting", adding that he has officially and effectively resigned from CHADEMA and active politics.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tanzania: Better Salaries, Perks On Magufuli Action Plan

CCM Union presidential candidate, Dr John Magufuli, has pledged tremendous improvement of salaries and perks for civil servants to motivate them to work even harder.
"If elected president, my plan is to handsomely reward all civil servants in the country," said Dr Magufuli when addressing the packed Majimaji Stadium here.
He cautioned, though, that the remunerations would have to be earned, stressing that he would demand their full commitment and diligence.
To stress the importance of hard work, Dr Magufuli quoted a Bible verse stating; 'if a man will not work he shall not eat.' He said as Minister for Works, he had managed to implement such plan successfully with TANROADS where some staff members earn as much as four million shillings per month.