Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tanzania: Better Salaries, Perks On Magufuli Action Plan

CCM Union presidential candidate, Dr John Magufuli, has pledged tremendous improvement of salaries and perks for civil servants to motivate them to work even harder.
"If elected president, my plan is to handsomely reward all civil servants in the country," said Dr Magufuli when addressing the packed Majimaji Stadium here.
He cautioned, though, that the remunerations would have to be earned, stressing that he would demand their full commitment and diligence.
To stress the importance of hard work, Dr Magufuli quoted a Bible verse stating; 'if a man will not work he shall not eat.' He said as Minister for Works, he had managed to implement such plan successfully with TANROADS where some staff members earn as much as four million shillings per month.

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