Thursday, September 3, 2015

Zimbabwe: Ex-Bodyguard - Mugabe Worse Than Ian Smith

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was worse than colonial ruler Ian Smith, one of Mugabe's former bodyguards said on Monday.
"He is now worse than the Smith regime and he is against his people," South African-born Chinoto Zulu said in Harare.
He was speaking at an event commemorating the United Nations (UN) International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Zulu is a former army chief and worked as Mugabe's personal bodyguard for several years after independence before retiring.
He blamed the government for the disappearance of human rights activist Itai Dzamara.
"We know very well the State is behind Dzamara disappearance. This is an evil regime, as I speak, I also have been put under surveillance by Mugabe spy agents. They have also grabbed all my property I acquired during my time in government," said Zulu, who is also veteran of Zimbabwe's liberation struggle.

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