Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kenya: Donald Trump invites Malik Obama to be his guest at presidential debate in U.S.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has invited President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama to be his guest at the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday night in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Trump campaign unveiled the candidate’s list of invited guests as he prepared to spar with Hillary Clinton.
Clinton also unveiled her list of guests, including Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman, a former Republican California gubernatorial candidate. Cuban and Whitman are both billionaires and the Clinton campaign is subtly questioning Trump’s claim to being immensely wealthy.
Malik, who is a US citizen, has been an outspoken critic of Clinton and has thrown his support behind the Manhattan billionaire. During an interview with the New York Post, Malik blasted Clinton for her performance as secretary of state, blaming her for the chaos and violence in the Middle East.
He said ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was a good friend of his. “Check out the situation in Libya now,” he said. He also questioned the sincerity of the women who have accused Trump of kissing and groping them.
“I don’t believe them,” Malik said of the women. “Why didn’t they come forward before?” In an interview with the same paper in July, Malik announced he would vote for Trump, saying he likes the candidate and was unhappy with his half-brother’s leadership. He criticised President Obama, saying he has not done much for the American people and his extended family back in Kenya despite high expectations.
Earlier this year, Malik complained that when he last visited the White House, President Obama did not extend to him a “warm and loving” reception. The Kenyan-born Malik has been a darling of right-wing conservative media outlets, which sought to further the "brother" story that claims President Obama was born in Kenya.
In 2015, he sold a handwritten letter from the president that seemed to shed light on why the US leader chose to enter politics. Trump is currently in a free fall, with the latest polls showing him trailing Clinton by between six and 12 points.

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