Monday, October 17, 2016

Rwanda is beating the United States in gender equality

The United States has plummeted to 28th place on an annual ranking of the world's most equal countries for men and women, falling behind Rwanda, an East African country ravaged by genocide in 1994.
Rwandan women beat American women in both labor force participation and government representation, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap ReportEighty-eight percent of women in Rwanda have jobs, compared to 66 percent of women in the U.S. A whopping 64 percent of the African nation’s politicians are women, compared to our 19 percent.
It's important to note that Rwanda, which placed sixth on the list, also boasts more gender equality than France (15th), Spain (25th), Germany  (11th), Switzerland (8th) and Denmark (14th). Each country was graded on labor participation, health, political empowerment and educational attainment.


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