Friday, November 20, 2015

Janet Magufuli: a woman with a good heart

Head teacher Dorothy Malecela said she is so happy for her. Janet was teaching Geography, History and ICT.  She is a very lovely and humble woman.  Mrs. Malecela described Mrs Magufuli as a woman with a good heart.  She once took the initiative to donate a wheel chair to a disabled pupil at his school.  Mrs. Malecela recalls: Elisha Lameck is a standard five pupil.  the boy is disabled.  Mrs. Magufuli helped him and now he is happy as he is able to move from one place to another because of the wheel chair. She also decided to pay the transport fee for a pupil whose parents could not raise money for his study tour.
Ali Rajab and John Manda shared an office with Mrs. Magufuli. they said Mwalimu Janet is a very simple woman. You would not notice that she was a minister's wife. she is cooperative, punctual, humble and hardworking.  They also said that they used to eat cassave and kachori together.  Teachers at Mbuyuni Primary School are going to miss her very much.
Eliya Lameck a pupil at Mbuyuni Primary School pushes his twin brother Elisha Lameck on a wheel chair that was donated to him by their teacher Mrs. Janet Magufuli.

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