Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ethiopia banned domestic workers to work abroad

Ethiopia has banned domestic workers to work abroad because most of them leave the country through illegal agencies.  This has led to illegal human trafficking.  The International Labour Organization (ILO) said many Ethiopia domestic workers (most of them female) are physically abused, paid very low, discriminated and work in very poor condition.  In February a video emerged online showing an Ethiopian maid in Lebanon dragged by her hair in public by her employer.  The female worker later killed herself in hospital.  Majority of people in Ethiopia are earning less than 2 dollars per day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

South Africa's shoprite raise wages for its Zambian workers

South Africa's Shoprite holdings has agreed to raise wages for its Zambian workers by up to 34%, Shoprite Africa biggest retailer will increase wages for its 3000 workers by between 15% to 34%.  Shoprite this month fired its Zambian workforce after employees went on strike for higher wages.  Zambia is a major market for shoprite.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Three rapists in Kenya asked to cut grass as punishment after rapping a girl

Over a million furious campaigners have signed a petition demanding justice after three men accused of brutally gang-raping a Kenyan schoolgirl were ordered to cut grass as punishment. The girl is now using a  wheelchair with a broken back, caused either by the beating or by being hurled down into the pit, and also suffered serious internal injuries from the rape.
The 16-year old girl was reportedly attacked, beaten and then raped by six men as she returned from her grandfather's funeral in western Kenya in June, before the gang dumped her, bleeding and unconscious, in a deep sewage ditch.
"Letting rapists walk free after making them cut grass has to be the world's worst punishment for rape," Nebila Abdulmelik said who is one of those who signed a petition. "It's an absolute failure of the entire system and an absolutely shameful response by Kenya's police."
The victim knew some of the attackers, and three of them were taken by villagers to the local police station, the girl's mother earlier told Kenyan media.
"The three were only ordered to cut grass around the police camp and set free shortly after," the girl's mother told the paper.
"My wish is to see justice done," the girl told The Nation newspaper, which first reported the story, and has led a campaign including raising funds to cover medical costs. "I want my attackers arrested and punished."
Lawmakers have condemned the attack and subsequent police failures, ordering action to be taken.

                                        Kenyans demand gang rape justice in police petition

Fifteen people arrested connected to acid attacks in Zanzibar

Fifteen people have been arrested by police in Zanzibar in connection to acid attack in recent months.  In July two young female British volunteers were badly burned when acid was thrown on their faces by a man on a motorcyle.
A general street scene in Stone Town, Zanzibar, where the acid attack happened

Nelson Mandela's friend arrested in New York

A close friend of South Africa’s first black President and 
ant- apartheid hero Nelson Mandela, Tokyo Sexwale was arrested in New York  at John F. Kennedy International Airport while on a business trip after his name was found on a list of people banned from entering the United States,
Sexwale was also a prisoner at Robin Island together with Nelson Mandela during the apartheid era. During that era, some anti-apartheid activists were banned from visiting the United States when they were regarded as terrorists.
Arrested in New York, ...Former Human Settlements Minister, Tokyo Sexwale; photo: Independent Newspapers | Candice Chaplin

Apartheid however ended in 1994 and although the ban was lifted, not all the names have been removed from the list.
After 1994, Sexwale soon became a leading member of the ANC and apart from politics he is a successful businessman who owns his own firm The Mvelaphanda Group.

Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) remains dangerous to health

The fight against female genital mutilation (FMG) in Tanzania is so hard despite government efforts to eliminate the practice, some people continue to do it in secret mainly in Mara, Dodoma, Kilimanjaro, Singida and Manyara regions where adult women and children undergo the harmful ritual.  The purpose of this practice is to slow down sexual desires.  The practice is highly dangerous to health. FMG is performed with crude homemade knives, pairs of scissors, pieces of glass or razor blades.

Violin played as titanic sank sells for $1.5 million

The instrument was believed to be played by the band leader Wallace Hartlet (2 June 1878 - 15 April 1912) trying to calm passengers as the ship slipped into frozen waters was sold at auction for 1.5 million us dollar.  When Hartley's body was discovered more than ten days after the disaster the violin was found in a leather case strapped to him.  Hartley's band played the rhythm "nearer, my God to the thee' as passengers climbed into lifeboats.
However  some people still doubt whether the violin is genuine, believing it could not have survived being submerged in sea water.

Prince George christened in a small private service

Only 21 guests were invited to the christening of Britain’s Prince George on Wednesday 23rd of October, 2013.
Prince George is the son of Prince William, whose mother Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris in 1997.
The christening was held behind closed doors in the chapel Royal of St. James’s palace.
The parents named six friends and William’s cousin Zara Phillips as godparents. George wore a white satin robe made in 1841.
A piece of a cake made for William and Kate’s 2011 wedding was served at a private tea held after the christening.

US has been spying on Merkel’s conservation for ten years

It has been discovered that US has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile conversation since 2002. Angela Merkel says it hurts.   The recording has been done from US Embassy in Berlin.  President Obama said he knew nothing

about the tapping.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Merkel calls Obama about US spying on her phone

German Chancellor has called US President Barack Obama after receiving information that US may have spied on her mobile phone.  Merkel said this is unacceptable. "The United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communication of the chancellor", White House Spokenman Jan Carney, Said.
Angela Merkel & President Obama

Monday, October 21, 2013

Women fined chickens and goats for wearing trousers and miniskrits - Gutu District in Masvingo Zimbabwe

Number of women in most parts of Gutu district in Masvingo Zimbabwe under chief Nerupin and Makove are fined to pay chickens, goats, cash and five litres of traditional brew for wearing miniskirts and trousers. Teachers and other civil servants in the areas are the most affected by the new law.  People are annoyed and say the chief is abusing his office because his own children put on miniskirts and trousers.

100 cattles for Swazi princess (President's nephew pays lobola for king's niece)

President Jacob Zuma’s nephew, Khulubuse Zuma, has paid a herd of 100 cattle as lobola for his Swazi princess.
The lavish ceremony took place at Swazi King Mswati’s Ludzidzini Royal Village outside Mbabane yesterday.
Zuma’s fiancée is Fikisiwe Dlamini, the king’s niece.
She is the daughter of Mswati’s late brother, Prince Phiwokwakhe Dlamini.
Fikisiwe has several boutiques in Swaziland. She runs several boutiques in the country’s major cities.
The bridegroom’s entourage and emissaries from KwaZulu-Natal arrived in Swaziland on Friday afternoon.
Among the group was President Zuma’s daughter Duduzile, her husband, Lonwabo Sambudla, and Zuma’s cousin Deebo Mzobe.daughter Duduzile and her husband Lonwabo Sambudla.
At about noon yesterday, a fleet of luxury cars started arriving at eLudzidzini for the festivities.
At the negotiations and with his bride-to-be, Fikisiwe Dlamini at his feet. Picture: Khaya Ngwenya/City Press
At the negotiations and with his bride-to-be, Fikisiwe Dlamini at his feet.
Khulubuse was dressed in a loincloth and a traditional Zulu headband, with a brown-and-white blanket draped around him.
The two families held negotiations behind closed doors before they went to the kraal to present the cattle to the king, who seemed very pleased.
King Mswati announced he would slaughter six cattle for his in-laws.
The Zuma family will spoil their in-laws with gifts today.

Waterford students win young innovators contest

Two Waterford Kamhlaba World College students Harvey Kadyanji and Timothy McDermott are among winners in a contest for young innovators.  They created a language application known as SiSwApp (which is a smart phone application which is aimed primarily at iOS and Android mobile platforms)  which has earned them US$ 5,000 prize  and a chance to travel to Thailand.
Kadyanji and McDermott entered the 2013 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) World Young Innovators Competition which was advertised in the Times of Swaziland newspaper earlier this year.
The judges were looking for talented young social entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 26 who could provide information and communication technology based solutions to developmental changes.
Over 600 applicants from 88 countries applied. Kadyanji and McDermott made it into top 15 semi-finalists, they then had to submit a 5000 word business proposal and emerged among the top 10 winners.  In mid-November 2013 they will travel to Bangkok, where they will showcase their idea and engage with mentors, leaders in the technology field and other young innovators.  they will also collect their prize which will be used to develop their project.
In the left and right respectively Timothy McDermott (Australian)   Harvey Kadyanji (a Tanzanian) who are studying International Baccalaureate at Waterford Kamhlaba World College.
Their website is, twitter handle:@siswapp

Friday, October 18, 2013

Zambia threatens to shut shoprite after dismissal of 300 workers

Labour minister Fackson Shamenda told owners of shoprite on Thursday after the South African retailer fired 3000 workers who went on strike that they would cancel their trading licence if they continue with the dismissal.  they were given 10 days to negotiate and resolve the problem.
workers went on strike to demand higher pay and improved working conditions.
Zambia is the second largest shoprite outside South Africa.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ufoo Saro's mother transferred to Kilimanjaro for burial

The body of Ufoo Saro's mother was transported yesterday  to Kilimanjaro for burial. Lots of people paid their last respect at her home at Kibamba. Ufoo Saro who works for ITV and Radio One was shot and seriously injured on Sunday Morning by her fiancee who later killed her mother and killed  himself. Mr. Anthery Mushi (40) was working as telecommunication engineer with the United Nations.
He shot his fiancee's mother on the chest, shot his fiancee on the stomach before shooting himself under the chin.  Before he shot himself, Mr. Mushi tried to shoot Saro's siblings.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do you like novels?

Do you like novels? I recommend that you read these ones: Handle with care by Jodi Picoult, Color line by Lizette G. Carter, Left to tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza, Famished road by Beni Okri, Roses are red, Jake's Orphan by Peggy Brooke, they are amazing.  I like reading novels and I read a lot especially when on plane, once I board the plane I just took my novel and start reading. Most of Tanzanian do not have reading habit. We have to encourage our kids to start reading while at young age, instead of buying kids chocolates and toys every day we have to start buying books for them.

Woman With HIV Arrested For Breastfeeding Neighbour's Baby

Zimbabwean woman  Annie Mpariwa (39 years old)  who is HIV positive has been arrested for breastfeeding a neighbour's baby without her consent.The case which is already in court has been set for further hearing on the 24th of October for an HIV test to be performed on the baby. She was arrested last week on charges of common nuisance and should the child test positive; the charge will be raised to “deliberately infecting another person with HIV”. The mother of the 14-month-old baby said seeing her child being breastfed by her neighbour was traumatising.
According to her, the neighbour snatched the child while she was playing outside and hid her in her room. But after searching for the child for quite some time, she went and knocked on Annie’s rented room and got no response. Upon peeping through the window, she saw her breastfeeding the little girl.

The mother of the child said she  was shocked and  nearly fainted.

Ufoo Saro out of ICU

Independent Tevevision (ITV) journalist Ufoo Saro has been moved out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital as her condition is improving.  Meanwhile, the body of her late mother has been transported to Machame Shari in Hai District in Kilimjaro region for burial scheduled tomorrow.

Ufoo was shot by his fiancee Anthery Mushi who also killed Ufoo's mother and killed himself.

Monday, October 14, 2013

P Square named as second richest African artist

P-Square is made up of identical twins, Peter and Paul Okoye, who began singing and dancing together back in their small Catholic high school in Jos, Nigeria.
After forming the group in 2005, their music developed a devoted following, particularly in South Africa, and each album outsold the previous one. They were named Artists of the Year at the 2010 Kora Awards and now bring in more than $150,000 per show. Best of all, their shared home is worth more than $3 million 

Happy Nyerere Day

I would like to wish all Tanzanians happy Nyerere Day. Mwalimu Nyerere 'known as the father of the nation passed away on 14th October 1999.

The late Mwalimu Nyerere on the right

A Journalist with ITV and Radio One Ufoo Saro was shot

A journalist with ITV and Radio One Ufoo Saro was shot in the stomach and seriously injured by her fiancee Mr. Anthery Mushi aged 40 years old. Mr. Mushi killed the mother of Ufoo Saro before taking his own life.  The shooting occured at Kibamba at Saro's family.  Before he shot himself the assailant tried to shoot Ufo's siblings who ran away.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Argentina president out of hospital

Argentina president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner - 60 has been discharged from a Buenos Aires hospital five days after surgery to remove a blood clot on her brain.  Doctors said she needs a month of rest.

Over 100 Indian pilgrims feared dead in festival stampede

More than 100 Indians are believed to be dead after trying to cross a bridge at a religious festival 37 miles from the town of Datia.  More than 50,000 worshipers were attending the festival.  Pilgrims started to panic when they thought the bridge was going to collapse.

Mzee small hali yake siyo nzuri

Msanii wa maigizo maarufu kama mzee small hali yake bado siyo nzuri pia hela kwa ajili ya matibabu ni ya shida sana. Mzee small alikuwa maarufu akigiza kama mume wa bi chau, pia alikuwa anatangaza kwenye matangazo ya azam hasa tangazo la kutumia nazi za pakti.