Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ufoo Saro's mother transferred to Kilimanjaro for burial

The body of Ufoo Saro's mother was transported yesterday  to Kilimanjaro for burial. Lots of people paid their last respect at her home at Kibamba. Ufoo Saro who works for ITV and Radio One was shot and seriously injured on Sunday Morning by her fiancee who later killed her mother and killed  himself. Mr. Anthery Mushi (40) was working as telecommunication engineer with the United Nations.
He shot his fiancee's mother on the chest, shot his fiancee on the stomach before shooting himself under the chin.  Before he shot himself, Mr. Mushi tried to shoot Saro's siblings.


Unknown said...

wow, why did he do it though?

Unknown said...

wow, why kill though...whats the motivation or story behind?

Anonymous said...

No one knows...

Immaculata said...

Yes, no one knows.