Monday, October 28, 2013

Nelson Mandela's friend arrested in New York

A close friend of South Africa’s first black President and 
ant- apartheid hero Nelson Mandela, Tokyo Sexwale was arrested in New York  at John F. Kennedy International Airport while on a business trip after his name was found on a list of people banned from entering the United States,
Sexwale was also a prisoner at Robin Island together with Nelson Mandela during the apartheid era. During that era, some anti-apartheid activists were banned from visiting the United States when they were regarded as terrorists.
Arrested in New York, ...Former Human Settlements Minister, Tokyo Sexwale; photo: Independent Newspapers | Candice Chaplin

Apartheid however ended in 1994 and although the ban was lifted, not all the names have been removed from the list.
After 1994, Sexwale soon became a leading member of the ANC and apart from politics he is a successful businessman who owns his own firm The Mvelaphanda Group.

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